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"现场:朝鲜炸毁朝韩间道路视频曝光" 的拼音是 "xiàn chǎng : zhāo xiān zhà huǐ zhāo hán jiān dào lù shì píng pù guāng"。。
现场:朝鲜炸毁朝韩间道路视频曝光英文可以简单翻译为:I'm sorry but I couldn't find a translation of the video you mentioned. However, I found some information on North Korea destroying inter-Korean road. In 2016, North Korea destroyed a section of an inter-Korean road that connects the two countries. The move was seen as a way for the country to assert its dominance over South Korea and prevent the two nations from becoming too close.。

简单的来说据韩国联合参谋本部公布的消息,朝鲜于当天12时左右在朝韩军事分界线以北炸毁连接朝韩的京义线、东海线部分区间通路。当地时间15日,韩国联合参谋本部公布了一段朝鲜方面进行爆破的视频。 这段视频显示,朝鲜方面使用了大型炸药进行爆破,导致道路被炸毁。 韩国军方回应称,他们已经开枪警告射击。