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"泰国:载中国乘客坠毁飞机没有黑匣子"的拼音是 tài guó : zài zhōng guó chéng kè zhuì huǐ fēi jī méi yǒu hēi kuài zi。
泰国:载中国乘客坠毁飞机没有黑匣子英文可以简单翻译为:The Thai Flying Service operated a Cessna Caravan C208B plane that crashed into a forest in Thailand on Thursday evening. The plane was carrying five passengers, two flight attendants and two pilots. One witness reported hearing a loud explosion before the plane crashed into the forest, with debris hitting a nearby house. The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand confirmed that there were no black boxes on board the plane. The victims include four Thai nationalities: two from China, one from the United States and one from Japan.。

简单的来说据央视新闻报道,当地时间8月22日,一架原定由泰国素万那普国际机场飞往南部达叻府的小型飞机在泰国北柳府坠毁。失事飞机上载有5名中国籍乘客。目前,事故具体伤亡情况和原因尚未公布。 黑匣子是飞机上的一种记录仪器,可以记录飞机飞行过程中的各种数据和信息。如果飞机发生事故,黑匣子可以帮助调查人员找到事故的原因。但是并不是所有的飞机都会安装黑匣子,因此有时候即使发生了事故,也可能无法找到黑匣子。
