


热搜文章 0
"唐山持续反腐:公安系统两人同日被查"的拼音是 táng shān chí xù fǎn fǔ : gōng ān xì tǒng liǎng rén tóng rì bèi chá。
唐山持续反腐:公安系统两人同日被查英文可以简单翻译为:The Chinese government is committed to combating corruption in all its forms. Recently, two people from the public security system were investigated and arrested in Tangshan, Hebei Province on the same day. Ma Aijun, former head of the public security bureau of Lubei district in Tangshan, was fined 700,000 yuan ($97,279) and sentenced to 12 years in prison for taking bribes. Gong Dao'an, former vice mayor of Shanghai and director of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, was on trial for bribery of allegedly 73.43 million yuan ($11.4 million) at the Tangshan City Intermediate People's Court in Hebei province on Thursday 。。

