

哈尔滨抖音快手短视频制作 运营 直播变现培训

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哈尔滨市森大职业技能培训学校,地处哈尔滨市*繁华地带,交通极其便利,教室环境优雅。学校开设了JAVA开发、WEB前端开发,UI设计, 网页设计、插画设计、淘宝开店、淘宝美工、淘宝运营、办公自动化、室内装饰设计、机械CAD制图、橱柜设计、全屋定制、平面设计、PHP网站建设、python编程、公众号制作、影视剪辑、抖音短视频制作与推广、电子商务等专业。





1、短视频入门  2、Premiere软件 3、视频常见的字幕类型 4、短视频的背景音乐5、视频外景拍摄 6、视频后期制作实操 7、视频外景拍摄二 8、毕业作品实操




1、玩转抖音短视频技巧、开启高效变现之道 2、策划独出心裁的创意、制作与众不同的短视频 3、巧用手机视频剪辑工具、打造鬼斧神工的创意视频 4、纲举目张式利用工具、实现抖音引流变现进阶 5、六步法开启快手运营、让快手卖货倍道而行 6、短视频全网布局、霸屏式矩阵玩法 7、掌握短视频直播核心要素,实现抖音快手高成交套路 8、策划抖音快手直播脚本、团队实战沙盘演练复盘












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budget动词怎么搭配 budget的前面介词常用

budget用法搭配,budget的固定搭配,buddha动词,but 动词

1. budget deficit – an excess of expenditures o【【微信】】 period

2. budget planning – the process of creating a budget for a specific period of time

3. budget proposal – a plan for allocating resources and expenses for a specific period of time

4. budget analysis – the process of e【【微信】】entify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement

5. budget cut – a reduction in budgeted expenses

6. budget constraint – the limit on a【【微信】】 a particular budget period

7. budget forecasting – the process of predicting future budget needs and expenses

8. budget allocation – the process of assigning funds to different departments or areas within an organization

9. budget review – 【【微信】】ng a budget to ensure compliance with financial guidelines and objectives

10. 【【微信】】 – an excess of re【【微信】】es in a budget period.


1. Budget for something: 为某事列预算,如:We need to budget for next year’s expenses.

2. Budget something: 安排预算,如:The company has budgeted $500,000 for marketing next year.

3. Budget within something: 在某个预算范围内安排预算,如:We need to budget within our means and not o【【微信】】.

4. Budget to do something: 安排预算来做某事,如:We ha【【微信】】w employees this year.

5. Budget for time/money: 安排好时间或资金预算,如:We need to budget our time wisely to meet the project deadline.

6. On a budget: 预算有限,如:We must find a hotel that’s cheap because we’re on a budget.


英语单词 budget后面可以加两种介词:for和on。

1. Budget for

– 用法:budget for + 物品/活动/目的/人群

– 解释:为特定的事项或需要准备预算

– 示例:We need to budget for a new computer.(我们需要为一台新电脑预算。)

2. Budget on

– 用法:budget on + 金额/特定的费用

– 解释:预算一定的金额或特定的费用

– 示例:We ha【【微信】】 $10,000 on office supplies this year.(我们今年为办公用品预算了1万美元。)

注意:budget on一般用于具体金额或费用,budget for则用于更为广泛的预算需要。

总的来说,budget for和budget on都是与预算相关的短语,但使用场景和含义略有不同。

1. a/an + singular countable noun: This combination is used when referring to a single, unspecified object or person. For example, “a book,” “an apple,” “a teacher.”

2. a/an + adjective + singular countable noun: This combination is used when referring to a specific object or person, but not a particular one. For example, “a red apple,” “an experienced teacher.”

3. the + singular countable noun: This combination is used when referring to a specific, known object or person. For example, “the book I read yesterday,” “the teacher who taught me math.”

4. the + adjective + singular countable noun: This combination is used when referring to a specific, known object or person with a specific characteristic. For example, “the red apple on the table,” “the experienced teacher who taught me math.”

5. no article + plural countable noun: This combination is used when referring to more than one object or person without specifying any particular ones. For example, “dogs are loyal animals,” “students should study hard.”

6. the + plural countable noun: This combination is used when referring to a specific group of objects or people. For example, “the books on the shelf,” “the students in my class.”

7. no article + uncountable noun: This combination is used when referring to a substance or concept that cannot be counted as indi【【微信】】. For example, “water is essential for life,” “happiness is important.”

8. the + uncountable noun: This combination is used when referring to a specific instance of an uncountable noun. For example, “the water in this bottle,” “the happiness on their faces.”



– I see a lot of bud talent in this new group of interns.

– This company is a bud startup, but it has a lot of potential.

– She’s a bud artist who is just starting to get recognition for her work.


– The buds on the trees are a sign that spring is coming.

– The bud of a new romance was just starting to form between them.

– The garden was full of beautiful flowers in bud, just waiting to bloom.


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