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As of last month, yuan-denominated new loans rose by 13.1 percent from a year earlier, down by 0.1 percentage points in August, the PBOC said. New loans ha【【微信】】6 trillion yuan in the first three 【【微信】】, up by 998 billion yuan from a year earlier. Nearly half the amount was borrowed by households.


As of April 19, the administration has authorized 62 laboratories in 37 countries, including two in China, to conduct such tests.


As of Tuesday, on map updated by InciWeb, an interstate incident information system, nearly 30 wildfires were burning in California, many of them in rural or forest lands and difficult to be contained.


As of the end of No【【微信】】, the quota in the RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional In【【微信】】 (RQFII) program came in at 642.67 billion yuan ($ 92.56 billion), according to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.


As of 6 pm on Wednesday, more than 900 【【微信】】n a 60-kilometer stretch of National Highway 109, Xinhua News Agency reported, citing the go【【微信】】ecture, which administers Amdo county. Police, ambulances and mechanics were dispatched to help.





Argentina, which announced a general lockdown on March 20 that continues through June 7, has reported a total of 11,353 cases of infection, including 5,006 in the capital city of Buenos Aires and 3,864 in the pro【【微信】】.


As China prepares to soon un【【微信】】n plan for the reform of its State-owned enterprises to further focus on mixed-ownership reform and reorganization, industry experts said the mo【【微信】】nt's efforts to steer the economy toward inno【【微信】】driven high-quality growth.


As China's flagship for patrol, search and rescue on the high seas, the 【【微信】】te maritime safety in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the officials said.


As GA8’s sole Chinese agency, Jinggongair signed an order for 10 planes last year with its Australian manufacturer.


As Chinese manufacturers of auto parts materials ramp up efforts to impro【【微信】】nnovation, they are becoming increasingly popular among top automobile brands, in a market that has long been dominated by o【【微信】】.


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