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As the largest de【【微信】】, China's accession to the WTO has not only benefited itself, but also the rest of the world.
As the internet has trickled to some of China's most po【【微信】】es-such as those in the mountains of Guizhou and Sichuan pro【【微信】】-the poverty relief authorities have placed greater emphasis on combating rural po【【微信】】, as well as improving infrastructure such as roads and cold storage facilities.
As the latest member of the Boeing 737 narrow-body aircraft family, the 737 MAX is the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing's history. Boeing has gotten more than 4,500 orders from nearly 100 customers worldwide.
As the acceleration of automation will ne【【微信】】, and job creation in services may come back only 【【微信】】d of the pandemic, he said employers will need to consider retraining employees with skills that are more adaptable to the post-CO【【微信】】.
As the deferral eases the pressure faced by the real economy and financial institutions, it will help safeguard financial stability and spur healthy de【【微信】】l market, said Kang Chongli, deputy dean at the research institute of Yuekai Securities in Guangdong province.
凤凰网科技讯 4月21日消息,世界读书日到来之际,上海图书馆、《中国新闻出版广电报》、阅文集团共同发布《Z世代数字阅读报告》(以下简称《报告》)。《报告》指出,Z世代已成数字阅读主力军。仅阅文集团,过去一年新增用户Z世代占比66%,阅读时间累计超20亿小时,累计评论超3000万人。2022年阅文新增用户中66%为95后;QQ阅读Z世代读者有93%在过去的12个月中阅读了至少?...
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