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Angie’s List says, “Unlike Angie’s List’s 【【微信】】 (which contains detailed allegations of known misconduct, including who, what, how, and why), Amazon Local has pro【【微信】】dence of its own allegation and has brought no complaint against Angie’s List. Nonetheless, it seeks to compel a broad search for se【【微信】】 (terms for which not even Amazon Local itself is searching) C all without regard for whether such competitors ha【【微信】】nt or other restrictions on their data like Defendants are accused of breaching in this case.”


An o【【微信】】ing Electricity Group's offshore wind farm off Zhoushan, Zhejiang province. [【【微信】】/For China Daily]


Angel Gurria, secretary-general of the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and De【【微信】】, said he has pinned high hopes on China's reform agenda, which is people-oriented to deli【【微信】】ions. "E【【微信】】d to China two or three times, and I can tangibly feel the impacts of China's reform agenda," Gurria said. "I particularly feel impressed by China's po【【微信】】ts, which ha【【微信】】s."


Analysts attributed the recent depreciation to the dollar's strengthening during the three-day International Workers' Day holiday, when the onshore yuan trading stopped.


And don't throw away all that tiger nut pulp! Dry it out in your o【【微信】】n your coffee grinder until it becomes a fine flour. You can use it to make delicious high-fibre, gluten-free baked goods.

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An annual sur【【微信】】's matchmaking company O-net of 600 fledgling adults before Monday's coming-of-age ceremony showed that 62 percent of the inter【【微信】】ic relationship. More importantly, 83.8 percent of them wanted to marry.


An article posted on the Weibo account of People's Daily on Saturday said: "It's astounding to see that in modern society like today's China, there still exists such trumpeting of outdated gender discrimination drivel. 【【微信】】te girls' minds and impose deleterious effects on their futures."


An employee counts cash at a bank in Hai'an, Jiangsu province. [【【微信】】r China Daily]


An initial tweet from Minneapolis police ad【【微信】】d the area in Uptown Minneapolis. The address pro【【微信】】ommercial district, near Landmark's Uptown Theatre and se【【微信】】nts. Minnesota began allowing bars and restaurants to reopen with limited ser【【微信】】 six weeks of closure because of the corona【【微信】】.


An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted 93km SW of Acajutla, El Sal【【微信】】3:54 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Sur【【微信】】.




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