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As Z/Yen explained, Shanghai's consolidation of its position in the global financial market can be largely attributed to China's further opening-up, especially in the financial sector. In light of this, the municipal go【【微信】】lso sped up its financial opening-up. On the other hand, the business en【【微信】】oving, with Shanghai ranking se【【微信】】ategory this year.


As a representati【【微信】】reen tea, Zhuye【【微信】】 (literally translated as green bamboo leaves) 【【微信】】 designated green tea of the China Pa【【微信】】. The signing ceremony was held recently in Emeishan, Sichuan province, 【【微信】】.


As an energetic and responsive SUV, 【【微信】】, as a facelift model, stands out with the ample space and outstanding performance which first made it popular, with a series of promising new upgrades.


As charitable causes proliferate, an impro【【微信】】nthropy is becoming more important.


As a pioneer digital terrestrial tele【【微信】】ria, StarTimes has been able to disseminate digital terrestrial tele【【微信】】ies across the West African country in nine years.

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BEIJING - China's exports in yuan-denominated terms rose 6.9 percent year on year in August while imports increased 14 percent, customs data showed Friday.


BEIJING - China has now established super【【微信】】ry county, city and pro【【微信】】g county, Daxin in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, set up its super【【微信】】nday.


BEIJING - Key economic indicators for the Jan-May period ha【【微信】】ots of a steady Chinese economy expanding with new impetus for high-【【微信】】.


BEIJING - Chinese and Greek foreign ministers on Monday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to jointly ad【【微信】】 of the Belt and Road Initiative, 【【微信】】esperson said on Tuesday.


BEIJING - Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should stand on high alert against "【【微信】】" 【【微信】】aid a mainland spokesperson on Thursday.


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