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As the White House announced that most people on its grounds wear face masks, US President Donald Trump on Monday praised his administration's response to the corona【【微信】】, saying "we have met the moment, and we ha【【微信】】" on testing.


As the market reopens on Tuesday, in【【微信】】th fluctuations in overseas stock markets o【【微信】】t progress in upcoming Sino-US trade talks and third-【【微信】】ts.


As the Chinese banking sector was in a better shape, policymakers decided to allow them to get listed on both domestic and o【【微信】】o further improve their corporate go【【微信】】, laying a solid groundwork for them to grow stronger and more competitive.


【【微信】】tandoff simmers between the US and China, a di【【微信】】opolitics of technology, and in particular, o【【微信】】: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd.


As the talent shortage problem continues to grow globally, experts said many deep-pocketed Chinese companies are buying o【【微信】】 to reduce the cost of training pilots abroad and to keep up with the booming global a【【微信】】.

河南省耕生耐火材料股份有限公司 河南自力耐火材料


巩义市耐火材料厂创建于一九六四年,是巩义市第一家耐火材料厂,建厂之早,规模之大,堪称巩义市耐火材料之鼻祖。占地面积45000平方米,注册资金1960万元,流动资金800万元,年生产各种耐火材料60000余吨。为满足市场需求,2004年,张自力先生筹集资金4000万元,于巩义市耐火材料工业区新创建了高科技现代化的巩义市自力耐火材料有限公司。为满足市场及企业发展的需要,于2011年组建河南自力耐火材料股份有限公司。 本公司位于河南......

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