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ChatGPT是最近网上非常火爆的一个对话AI,它可以通过对话的形式来帮助用户完成一些工作,比如解题、写作、写代码等等。那么iPhone怎么用ChatGPT呢?相信大家对此都很好奇吧,下面就让小编来给大家详细的介绍一下吧。 iPhone14怎么用ChatGPT 1. 在 APP Store搜索或者直接点击:AI-ChatGPT https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ai-chatgpt-免注册免登录ai智能聊天/id1660346816 2. 下载打开APP后分为聊天和内容补全: 3. 应用开发者内置了apikey可以直接使用 4. 如果出现返回中提示填写apikey在首页右上角添加apikey。 以上就是iPhone14怎么用ChatGPT的相关操作方法了,如果你想要在iPhone14上使用ChatGPT,那么就按照小编上面的教程去进行操作吧,相信大家一定都能顺利使用上ChatGPT。
idea chatgpt 插件怎么用 idea有chatgpt插件吗
Idea ChatGPT是一款基于OpenAI GPT技术的智能编程助手插件,可以为Java、Kotlin、Python等语言提供智能提示和代码补全功能。下面是在Idea中使用ChatGPT插件的基本步骤:1、安装插件在Idea中打开插件市场,搜索并安装ChatGPT插件。2、配置插件安装完插件后,需要进行一些基本的配置。在Idea的设置中找到ChatGPT插件,填写OpenAI API Key,这是使用OpenAI GPT技术所必需的。如果没有API Key,可以在OpenAI官网上申请一个。3、启用插件在配置完插件后,需要启用插件才能使用。在Idea的设置中找到Plugins,勾选ChatGPT插件后,重启Idea即可。4、使用插件启用插件后,ChatGPT会自动对你的代码进行分析,并给出智能提示和代码补全建议。你可以通过快捷键Ctrl+Alt+K来调出ChatGPT的面板,进一步与它进行交互,如输入问题,查看回答,复制代码等。在国内目前还不能用,ChatGPT是一种基于自然语言处理(NLP)的技术,它可以帮助开发人员构建智能聊天机器人。它使用深度学习技术来模拟人类对话,并且可以根据上下文和历史记录来回答问题。ChatGPT可以帮助开发人员构建更加自然和流畅的聊天机器人,从而提高用户体验。 版权声明:本文内容由互联网用户自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人。本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容, 请发送邮件至 888888@qq.com 举报,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。转转请注明出处:http://www.wikicleta.com/news/25346.html
okc软件,okcdrd,okcupid download,c ok o原标题:【OkCupid】使用ChatGPT审问用户 好吧,伙计们,人工智能“革命”已经到来,而且似乎已经有点失控了。大公司在利润唾手可得的幽灵的刺激下,已经开始推出利用人工智能来增强用户体验的新工具和产品。搜索引擎、好莱坞和媒体行业似乎都想加入进来。尽管如此,这个完全不受监管的领域也有可能对现有行业、我们的生活方式、艺术、司法系统,甚至你的大脑产生巨大的颠覆性影响。以下是一些警告信号,表明机器人革命可能会变得非常非常混乱。 ChatGPT显然足够聪明,可以被谷歌雇佣。美国全国广播公司(NBC)最近报道称,这家科技巨头已经对ChatGPT的编码能力进行了测试,测试的方式与新招募的程序员通常采用的方式相同,并且它顺利通过了测试。新闻媒体透露的一份内部说明中写道:“令人惊讶的是,在面试编码职位时,ChatGPT在L3(三级)就被录用了。”《PC》杂志指出,这样的职位的平均年薪为18.3万美元。其他人也对聊天机器人进行了类似的测试,离开时担心人类程序员的工作安全。 司法系统自动化听起来是我听过的最糟糕的想法之一。尽管如此,人们还是这么说。在最近令人不安的事态发展中,哥伦比亚的一名法官决定使用ChatGPT对一名自闭症儿童的医疗保险作出司法裁决。法官胡安・曼努埃尔・帕迪拉・加西亚显然认为在诉讼过程中使用聊天机器人来节省时间是个好主意。加西亚在裁决书中写道:“这一决定的论据将根据人工智能的使用来确定。”“我们真正想要的是,在确认人工智能提供的信息后,优化花在起草判决上的时间。”我们还是别闹了,k? 现在,许多新的程序和服务都在宣传人工智能可以用来写剧本,并使电影制作过程自动化。例如,人工智能创业公司Deepmind最近宣布推出一款名为Dramatron的工具,它称之为“联合写作”工具。根据其网站介绍,Dramatron旨在帮助编剧使用“分层故事生成,以确保生成文本的一致性”。从日志行开始,Dramatron交互式生成角色描述、情节点、地点描述和对话……” 啊。这在很多不同的层面上冒犯了我,我甚至无法真正开始解开它们。我是说,为什么要写剧本呢?只要让机器人写剧本,也许机器人也能看完电影,因为人类的努力已经没有意义了。我只想说,我希望这些程序最终被某种恶意软件感染。 Motherboard最近的一篇报道显示,娱乐行业也在尝试自动化配音。据报道,配音演员被要求签署放弃自己声音的权利,这样人工智能程序就可以用来创造他们声音的“合成”版本。该媒体报道称,这些新的“合同义务只是演员们对语音生成人工智能崛起的众多担忧之一,他们说这可能会让整个行业失去工作。” 再一次,为什么?这么做有什么意义?对我来说,这项技术的好处似乎微乎其微。公司是否可以通过大量廉价配音来省钱?还是让机器人来听吧。 还有什么比一个电脑程序为你传递新闻更反乌托邦的呢?这些新闻可能是你在过去的工作中自己写的。上个月,当知名科技刊物CNET使用自己的内部人工智能程序悄悄发布大量金融解释者时,争议爆发了。这些文章不仅充斥着事实的不准确,而且有些文章还带有剽窃的味道。也许让一个依赖事实准确性的行业自动化并不是一个超级聪明的主意?只是一个想法。 当然,就像任何散发着金钱气息的华而不实的新玩意一样,人工智能现在也令华尔街兴奋不已。《晨报》写道,“股市炒作机器”现在已经盯上了任何带有“人工智能”字样的公司,这意味着任何一家公司的产品可以声称与自动化有一定的相关性,现在都有望在纳斯达克(NASDAQ)大获成功。正如简报所指出的,它基本上是web3的翻版。(华东CIO大会、华东CIO联盟、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO大会等) 你知道什么才是最可怕的想法吗?将监控系统与人工智能相结合,创造出超级智能的间谍设备。是啊,听起来不太好。不幸的是,《连线》杂志最近报道称,在俄罗斯,人工智能正被整合到大规模的安全摄像头网络中,以创建“无处可藏”的城市。迷人的!等不及美国版了。 人工智能“军备竞赛”开始。硅谷正在寻求利用人工智能的重大时刻,每一个称职的科技巨头都在狂热地寻找新产品,以跟上ChatGPT的1亿用户的步伐。本月早些时候,微软将ChatGPT集成到必应中,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚・纳德拉宣布:“比赛从今天开始。”这家OG科技巨头表示,它希望使用聊天机器人“让人们能够释放发现的喜悦”,不管这意味着什么。谷歌也不甘落后,宣布将推出自己的人工智能搜索集成,名为“Bard”(谷歌的工具在发布时已经犯了一个错误,导致公司股价暴跌)。与此同时,在中国,科技巨头阿里巴巴(基本上是中国版的亚马逊)和百度(中文谷歌)最近宣布,他们也将开发自己的人工智能工具。 人们真的想要一场人工智能“革命”吗?目前还不完全清楚,但不管他们想不想要,很明显科技行业会给他们提供。机器人来了。相应的准备! 原文: Well folks, the AI “revolution” is upon us, and it already seems to be getting out slightly out of hand. Big corporations, spurred by the specter of easy profits, have begun to roll out new tools and products that use artificial intelligence to enhance user experience. Search engines, Hollywood, and media industries all seem to want to jump onboard. Still, this totally unregulated field also has the potential to be hugely disruptive to existing industries, our way of life, art, judicial systems, even your brain. Here are some of the warning signs that the robot revolution could get very, very messy. ChatGPT is apparently smart enough to get hired by Google. NBC recently reported that the tech giant had tested ChatGPT for its coding prowess in the same way that new coder recruits typically are and that it passed with flying colors. “Amazingly ChatGPT gets hired at L3 [level 3] when interviewed for a coding position,” an internal note, divulged by the news outlet, reads. PC Magazine notes that such a position comes with an average annual salary of $183k. Others have similarly tested the chatbot and come away concerned for human coders’ job security. Automating our justice system sounds like one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard. Still, folks are out here saying it. In a recent disturbing development, a judge in Colombia decided to use ChatGPT to render a judicial decision concerning an autistic child’s medical insurance. Judge Juan Manuel Padilla Garcia apparently thought it would be a good idea to use the chatbot to save time during the proceedings. “The arguments for this decision will be determined in line with the use of artificial intelligence (AI),” Garcia wrote in his decision. “What we are really looking for is to optimize the time spent drafting judgments after corroborating the information provided by AI.” Let’s not make this a thing, k? Multiple new programs and services are now advertising that AI can be used to write screenplays and automate the filmmaking process. For instance, the AI startup Deepmind recently announced the launch of a tool called Dramatron, what it calls a “co-writing” tool. According to its website, Dramatron is supposed to help screenwriters by using “hierarchical story generation for consistency across the generated text. Starting from a log line, Dramatron interactively generates character descriptions, plot points, location descriptions and dialogue...” Ugh. This offends me on so many different levels that I can’t really even begin to unpack them. I mean, why even write the script at all? Just have a robot write the script and maybe the robot can also watch the finished movie, too, since there’s no point in human endeavor anymore. Suffice it to say, I hope these programs get terminally infected with some sort of malware. A recent story from Motherboard shows that the entertainment industry is also trying to automate voice acting. The outlet reports that voice over actors are being asked to sign away the rights to their own voices so that AI programs can be used to create “synthetic” versions of their voices. The outlet reports these new “contractual obligations are just one of the many concerns actors have about the rise of voice-generating artificial intelligence, which they say threaten to push entire segments of the industry out of work.” Again, why? What is the point of doing this? The benefits of the technology seem minimal to me. Is it that a company can save money by generating huge swaths of bargain-bin voice acting? Let’s just leave that for robots to listen to. What’s more dystopian than a computer program delivering your news for you, news you might have written yourself in a past job? Controversy exploded last month when it came to light that big time tech publication CNET had been quietly publishing droves of financial explainers using their own in-house AI program. Not only were the articles filled with factual inaccuracies, but some had the whiff of plagiarism as well. Maybe it’s not a super smart idea to automate an industry that relies on factual accuracy? Just a thought. Of course, like any flashy new bauble that smells of money, AI is now exciting Wall Street. The Morning Brief writes that the “stock market hype machine” has now descended upon anything with “AI” affixed to its name, meaning that any company whose product can claim marginal relevance to automation is now primed to have a big NASDAQ glowup. As the Brief notes, it’s basically web3 all over again. You know what’s a really horrifying thought? Pairing surveillance systems with artificial intelligence to create super smart spying apparatuses. Yeah, that doesn’t sound very good. Unfortunately, Wired recently reported that, in Russia, AI is being integrated into massive networks of security cameras to create cities where “there is no place to hide.” Charming! Can’t wait for the U.S. edition. The AI “arms race” commences. Silicon Valley is looking to capitalize on AI’s big moment, and every tech Goliath worth its salt is feverishly looking to churn out a new product to keep pace with ChatGPT’s 100 million users. Microsoft kicked things off nicely earlier this month with its integration of ChatGPT into Bing, with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella proclaiming, “The race starts today.” The OG tech giant says it wants to use the chatbot to “empower people to unlock the joy of discovery,” whatever that means. Not to be outdone, Google announced that it would be launching its own AI search integration, dubbed “Bard” (Google’s tool already made a mistake upon launch, costing the company a stock slump). In China, meanwhile, the tech giants Alibaba (basically the Chinese version of Amazon) and Baidu (Chinese Google) recently announced that they would also be pursuing their own respective AI tools. Do the people actually want an AI “revolution”? It’s not totally clear but whether they want it or not, it’s pretty clear that the tech industry is going to give it to them. The robots are coming. Prep accordingly! 本文主要内容转载原作者Lauren Leffer,仅供广大读者参考,如有侵犯您的知识产权或者权益,请联系我提供证据,我会予以删除。 CXO联盟(CXO union)是一家聚焦于CIO,CDO,cto,ciso,cfo,coo,chro,cpo,ceo等人群的平台组织,其中在CIO会议领域的领头羊,目前举办了大量的CIO大会、CIO论坛、CIO活动、CIO会议、CIO峰会、CIO会展。如华东CIO会议、华南cio会议、华北cio会议、中国cio会议、西部CIO会议。在这里,你可以参加大量的IT大会、IT行业会议、IT行业论坛、IT行业会展、数字化论坛、数字化转型论坛,在这里你可以认识很多的首席信息官、首席数字官、首席财务官、首席技术官、首席人力资源官、首席运营官、首席执行官、IT总监、财务总监、信息总监、运营总监、采购总监、供应链总监。 数字化转型网(资讯媒体,是企业数字化转型的必读参考,在这里你可以学习大量的知识,如财务数字化转型、供应链数字化转型、运营数字化转型、生产数字化转型、人力资源数字化转型、市场营销数字化转型。通过关注我们的公众号,你就知道如何实现企业数字化转型?数字化转型如何做? 【CXO UNION部分社群会员】通源石油CFO、天瑞CFO、东方国信CFO、迪威迅CFO、万达CFO、天晟CFO、汉得CFO、东富龙CFO、中电CFO、福能东方CFO、元力CFO、朗源CFO、派生CFO、中海达CFO、腾邦CFO、四方达CFO、华峰超纤CFO、佐力CFO、捷成CFO、东软载波CFO、力源CFO、通裕重工CFO、永清CFO、美亚柏科CFO、神农CFO、维尔利CFO、潜能恒信CFO、科德CFO、佳士CFO、福安CFO、长荣CFO、长海CFO、节能铁汉CFO、纳川CFO、翰宇CFO、高盟CFO、海伦哲CFO、聚龙CFO、聚光CFO、舒泰神CFO、天喻CFO、理邦CFO、欣旺达CFO、青岛中程CFO、天泽CFO、森远CFO、亿通CFO、易华录CFO、佳讯飞鸿CFO、日科CFO、电科院CFO、东方电热CFO、安利CFO、鸿利智汇CFO、金运激光CFO、银禧CFO、科大智能CFO、君正CFO、正海磁材CFO、金力泰CFO、钢联CFO、光韵达CFO、富瑞特装CFO、拓尔思CFO等返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: