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然而经过六个月对OpenAI的深入采访,从MIT科技评论记者Karen Hao发回来的一篇特稿再次将OpenAI送上了风口浪尖。经过近三十几次采访,她发现了和宣传中很不一样的OpenAI。

最令人惊讶的是,埃隆・马斯克(Elon Musk)本人在该文章发表后批评了 OpenAI,并在推特上发文称,他们"应该更加开放"。关于人工智能的安全性,埃隆说:"我无法控制,对OpenAI的了解非常有限。对达里奥的安全信心不高。"


采访过程中许多在该公司工作的人坚持匿名,因为他们没有得到发言的授权,或者担心遭到报复。他们的描述表明,OpenAI尽管有着崇高的抱负,但却执迷于保守秘密、保护自身形象和保持员工的忠诚。OpenAI的声明中称:"我们将强烈鼓励研究人员发表他们的研究成果,无论是论文、博客帖子还是代码,我们的专利(如果有的话)将与全世界共享。" 但实际上却是,OpenAI的研究领域已经变得越来越私有化,AGI总是保持模糊。没有人能够真正描述它可能是什么样子,或者它应该做什么。









研究人员说,这个被称为GPT-2的模型太危险了,不能释放。如果这种强大的技术落入坏人之手,它很容易被武器化,制造大规模的虚假信息。科学家们立即对此表示强烈反对,认为OpenAI是在搞宣传噱头。罗格斯大学研究人工智能产生的虚假信息的助理教授布里特帕里斯(Britt Paris)表示:"OpenAI似乎试图利用人们对人工智能的恐慌。"




Popular AI startups to watch out for in 2020


Artificial Intelligence is a revolutionary technology that we all have been well acquainted with for quite some time now. In our previous article, we have already discussed the progress of Artificial Intelligence and understood its outstanding phenomenon and groundbreaking technology that is strongly transforming how business operations take place across various business verticals.

From simple analytics to complex space engineering, AI has brought in great transformations. Almost every industry, be it healthcare, finance, supply chain, etc. has made infrastructural changes in a way to get adept with AI. There is a majority percent of companies that have understood the tremendous potential of AI and are making optimum use of this technology.

The AI is such a vast field and its surpassing benefits are the major reason why we see more and more AI-focused startups opening up. Many startups have seen the booming response and are making great profits besides making a big impact on the industry. On the other hand, some are still in the early stages of development.

As the year 2019 has ended and the New Year has begun, we thought of compiling a list of 10 Popular AI startups to watch out for in 2020.?

Fetch.ai is a platform that connects IoT devices and algorithms for collective learning. Its architecture helps in delivering a unique smart contract capability to deploy ML/AI solutions for decentralized problem-solving. The entire team of engineers and forward-thinking technology researchers at Fetch.ai are working on the convergence of blockchain, AI, and multi-agent systems.

Their main aim is to build a collective super-intelligence on top of decentralized economic internet built with a highly scalable next-generation distributed ledger technology, which when combined with machine learning delivers the predictions and infrastructure to power the future economy. Their core technology is successfully revolutionizing many industries, thereby improving efficiency through optimization of existing systems.

The team is dedicatedly working on various projects like Commodity exchange and decentralized finance, smart parking and congestion solution, smart eMobility and electric vehicle infrastructure, transport and mobility, and other projects like Smart cities, smart homes, intelligent autonomous supply chains, etc.

Hero Labs was started with the aim to solve real-life problems. The company delivers products and services to enhance people’s life with smart technology. The team of product designers, engineers, data scientists, and user experience specialists at Hero Labs has used the very best components and technology named Signal for Sonic that is targeted for the UK audience initially. The team has brought together an advanced IoT platform, hardware, and applications to set a new standard in smart technology.?Advanced DSP (Digital Signal processing), machine learning techniques, cutting-edge HD ultrasonic technology, etc. are some of the key features of Sonic.

Odin Vision is founded by a team of clinicians, medical imaging, and artificial intelligence (AI) experts whop believed that AI will create a new era of healthcare by supporting doctors to deliver higher quality care leading to improved patient outcomes and better value for healthcare payers. The main aim was to develop the next generation of AI-enabled applications for endoscopic procedures.

The team uses AI-enabled application for gastroenterology. Creating a suite of tools that support doctors to improve detection and diagnosis of disease, Odin Vision is doing wonders in the medical field. Their award-winning, deep learning technology has been developed by academic and clinical experts at University College London who have been leading this research field for the past 20 years.

DataRobot is the world’s only trusted enterprise AI platform that was started with the aim to impact one million lives in the first year. DataRobot ensures to enable various organizations to leverage the transformational power of AI. In 2018, DataRobot embarked on an initiative to develop sustainable water solutions with the Global Water Challenge (GWC). DataRobot is partnering with non-profit organizations to use data to create sustainable and lasting impacts. The DataRobot AI platform democratizes data science and automates the end-to-end process for building, deploying, and maintaining AI at scale.

DeepMap is a company that aims to accelerate safe autonomy by providing the world's best HD mapping and localization services. The growing team of experienced engineers and product visionaries collectively has built mapping technologies in use. It has provided mapping technology to some of the major brands in the automobile sector.

is a company that builds next-generation AI agents to improve and empower the overall experience. Wingman is a personal AI agent that serves and empowers people.?The company focuses on building next-generation AI agents that will serve humans to enhance their productive and creative potential. The team combines RL and DRL agents with semantics and relational reasoning components to understand human goals and directives.

OpenAI is a research laboratory in San Francisco, California that aims to ensure that Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. OpenAI is governed by the board of OpenAI Nonprofit that works on advancing AI capabilities, safety, and policy. OpenAI builds free software for training, benchmarking, and experimenting with AI, and much more.

Founded out of Imperial College London, Move.ai is a company that combines industry computer vision, AI, and machine learning to create enterprise software solutions from real-time performance data in the field of entertainment and sport. The company builds vision software to instantly generate performance data (speed, acceleration, distance, shapes, etc.) from video feeds in any sport. Move.ai uses one camera to generate instant movement data across speed, distance, ball tracking, and player tracking and body form analysis, which can plug into any graphics engine or third-party API.

Deepsync is a company that is making audio production ten times faster and cheaper. It simply learns how you speak and saves hours of manual recording. Deepsync's algorithms are designed to learn from the complexity of voice and capture a million little details to make your voice unique. It then speaks exactly like you.

Ravin.ai is an automotive company that uses deep learning AI technology and computer vision to autonomously inspect vehicles for damage. The experienced team at Ravin.ai combines expertise in AI, software design, and development?and automotive engineering to ensure the world’s most automated vehicle inspector is there to monitor, detect, and assess vehicle conditions properly. Different camera types are used in different physical conditions to detect damages, reduce inspection costs, and restore trust anywhere vehicles change hands. Self-insured fleets used car salesmen, and insurers get benefitted by the technology offered by Rivan.ai.

To sum up, Artificial Intelligence is indeed the present and future of global

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接下来,要想实现Python与OpenAI的对接,还需要构建Python环境,这是操作的基础。可以使用Python IDLE、PyCharm等工具,创建Python文件,并编写Python代码,构建Python环境,可以更好地实现Python与OpenAI的对接。


接下来,要想实现Python与OpenAI的对接,还需要运行Python程序。编写完Python代码后,可以使用Python IDLE、PyCharm等工具,运行Python程序,调用OpenAI函数,实现Python与OpenAI的对接。


