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训练一年了也没解决普通信使的运用,还是要5个无敌信使 与其看一场非正常条件下ai取胜的比赛不如看一场正常条件ai对人类的比赛,即使ai赢不了,也能看到ai学习能力,难不成这一年ai一直在用无敌信使自己对局? 我看成了欧派。。。。 比如sc2,ai不能理解雷达在特定时间的用法,然后实力在黄金的项目组强行提高了使用雷达的奖励,结果ai迷上了太阳拳 说,一天相当于多少年的自我对局,难道一直在用无敌信使对局吗?那这个对局毫无意义啊,如果正常对局,那就更奇怪了,表演赛能用没训练过的无敌信使赢也说不通啊.再者,年初开始持续半年的两周一大更,这可和围棋自我对局不一样啊 还是不会思考吧 如果信使被杀了 就不知道该怎么办了 ai讨论的是如何授人以渔,而不是暴雪爸爸的开发者究竟多么伟大,而他的游戏又多么复杂和高不可攀,只要你想,我就能给你说你想听的,你想吗? 我的感觉是,openai在控制变量逐步发展,之前禁隐身,现在也把隐身加上了,对于机器学习来说,约束条件是要逐渐添加的,因为要保证ai在之前正确的基础上再添加更多决策树,不然学习成本就太大了 给楼主贴一早期下新闻,详细细节找不到了,选手段位是某个帖子中有人挨着搜了一下选手统计出来的。除了新闻中的内容,6.20的时候ai仍然限定不能用瓶子飞鞋圣剑魂泪,阵容是毒龙冰女巫妖nec火枪镜像,这个进步速度已经可以用疯狂来形容了


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The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses which makes it compatible with a wide range of versions of the OpenAI API.

You can find usage examples for the OpenAI Python library in our API reference and the OpenAI Cookbook.

You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the package. If you just want to use the package, just run:

pip install --upgrade openai

Install from source with:

python setup.py install

Install dependencies for :

pip install openai[embeddings]

Install support for Weights & Biases:

Data libraries like and are not installed by default due to their size. They’re needed for some functionality of this library, but generally not for talking to the API. If you encounter a , install them with:

pip install openai[datalib]

The library needs to be configured with your account's secret key which is available on the website. Either set it as the environment variable before using the library:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='sk-...'

Or set to its value:

import openai openai.api_key = "sk-..."  # list engines engines = openai.Engine.list()  # print the first engine's id print(engines.data[].id)  # create a completion completion = openai.Completion.create(engine="ada", prompt="Hello world")  # print the completion print(completion.choices[].text)

All endpoints have a method that supports a param. This param takes a and will raise an error if the request exceeds that time in seconds (See: ).

In order to use the library with Microsoft Azure endpoints, you need to set the , and in addition to the . The must be set to 'azure' and the others correspond to the properties of your endpoint. In addition, the deployment name must be passed as the engine parameter.

import openai openai.api_type = "azure" openai.api_key = "..." openai.api_base = "https://example-endpoint.openai.azure.com" openai.api_version = "2022-12-01"  # create a completion completion = openai.Completion.create(engine="deployment-name", prompt="Hello world")  # print the completion print(completion.choices[].text)

Please note that for the moment, the Microsoft Azure endpoints can only be used for completion, embedding, and fine-tuning operations. For a detailed example of how to use fine-tuning and other operations using Azure endpoints, please check out the following Jupyter notebooks:

  • Using Azure completions
  • Using Azure fine-tuning
  • Using Azure embeddings

In order to use Microsoft Active Directory to authenticate to your Azure endpoint, you need to set the to "azure_ad" and pass the acquired credential token to . The rest of the parameters need to be set as specified in the previous section.

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential import openai  # Request credential default_credential = DefaultAzureCredential() token = default_credential.get_token("https://cognitiveservices.azure.com/.default")  # Setup parameters openai.api_type = "azure_ad" openai.api_key = token.token openai.api_base = "https://example-endpoint.openai.azure.com/" openai.api_version = "2022-12-01"  # ...

This library additionally provides an command-line utility which makes it easy to interact with the API from your terminal. Run for usage.

# list engines openai api engines.list  # create a completion openai api completions.create -e ada -p "Hello world"  # generate images via DALL・E API openai api image.create -p "two dogs playing chess, cartoon" -n 1

Examples of how to use this Python library to accomplish various tasks can be found in the OpenAI Cookbook. It contains code examples for:

  • Classification using fine-tuning
  • Clustering
  • Code search
  • Customizing embeddings
  • Question answering from a corpus of documents
  • Recommendations
  • Visualization of embeddings
  • And more

Prior to July 2022, this OpenAI Python library hosted code examples in its examples folder, but since then all examples have been migrated to the OpenAI Cookbook.

In the OpenAI Python library, an embedding represents a text string as a fixed-length vector of floating point numbers. Embeddings are designed to measure the similarity or relevance between text strings.

To get an embedding for a text string, you can use the embeddings method as follows in Python:

import openai openai.api_key = "sk-..."  # supply your API key however you choose  # choose text to embed text_string = "sample text"  # choose an embedding model_id = "text-similarity-davinci-001"  # compute the embedding of the text embedding = openai.Embedding.create(input=text_string, engine=model_id)['data'][]['embedding']

An example of how to call the embeddings method is shown in this get embeddings notebook.

Examples of how to use embeddings are shared in the following Jupyter notebooks:

  • Classification using embeddings
  • Clustering using embeddings
  • Code search using embeddings
  • Semantic text search using embeddings
  • User and product embeddings
  • Zero-shot classi

    openai|OpenAI战胜OG历程的纪录片将于24日首映 首映|电竞新闻

    openai和chatGPT什么关系,openai 百度百科,openai为什么在中国用不了,openai 马斯克

    文章图片 【openai|OpenAI战胜OG历程的纪录片将于24日首映】巅峰联赛的主办方Beyond the Summit工作室近日宣布 , 纪录片《Artificial Gamer》将于24日在其官方频道首映 , 其中主要记载了17年初OpenAi在表演赛中2-0战胜OG的台前幕后 。 另外在同日的莫斯科时间20:00(北京时间25日01:00)也就是纪录片首映前一小时 , 还会有一场OG与beastcoast之间的表演赛 , 目前表演赛是以何种形式进行尚无消息 。 OpenAI首次亮相于TI7的舞台 , 当时在中路影魔solo表演赛中击败了Dendi 。 后来在TI8舞台的5v5表演赛中 , OpenAi输给了paiN Gaming和由430、Xiao8、Sansheng等人组成的全明星阵容 。 次年 , 经过改进的OpenAIFive以两场大人头比2-0击败了OG 。

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