

Assigment 3: Modulation Methosd, FM, AM and Airband, and Digital

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Amateur Radio
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Last week you used an integrated program, gqrx or SDR#, to control your SDR and listen to wideband commercial FM, and narrowband FM used in police and fire radio. This week we'll listen to the some of the signals that aircraft use. These use amplitude modulation, or AM. Then we will take a first look at some ways digital data is transmitted over RF channels.

There are many ways to send a voice signal over the air. Last week we listened to FM signals, where the frequency of the carrier wave is varied with the amplitude of the signal. This week we are looking at AM modulation, where the amplitude is varied with the amplitude of the signal. These are the two most common ways of directly transmitting voice. These are known as analog modulation, because the signal itself is transmitted, not it's digital representation.

The basic idea is illustrated below:

The carrier is the pure RF signal when it isn't modulated. It is a constant frequency sinusoid. For last week's signals the frequency was in the 100's of MHz. The sdr's only go down to about 30 MHz, and up to 1700 MHZ.

The message is the second line. In this case it is shown as another sinusoid, which will be in the audio range. The frequencies here will only be a few kHz (the range of frequencies needed to convey voice).

For AM, all we do is add something to the message so that it is always positive, and then multiply it by the carrier. That's what we transmit. Then to receive, all we need to do is follow the envelope of the waveform. A diode and a capacitor will do this. This is all a crystal radio is. Note that the signal goes up and down in amplitude as it goes along.

For FM, all we do is slightly change the frequency of the carrier. It always has the same amplitude. The frequency increases when the signal is high (loud), and decreases when it is low (quiet). The transmitter is a little more complicated, but still pretty simple. The receiver just needs to differentiate the signal, which can be done many ways. When the signal is loud, it varies more quickly, and the derivative is larger. When the signal is low, the signal varies more slowly, and the derivative is smaller.

The first part of the lab is to capture and decode AM signals in the air band, which is right above the commercial FM band we were decoding last week. There is a band from 108-118 MHz that mostly has navigation beacons that identify themselves by Morse code. Then from 118-137 MHz there are several bands used for communication between aircraft and the ground. Communications in these bands use AM modulation. This is because when two users try to talk on the same channel the stronger channel will come through with AM, and this is usually the tower. You will also be able to hear something of the weaker station. With FM you will just hear a buzzing if two users interfere, unless one station is very much stronger, and then you only hear stronger user. AM gives you a better idea of who else is out there.

There are many airports around here. The major ones are shown below.

These all can be heard from here. There are also lots of small airports, and Moffet Field.

The local airport is Palo Alto, which is station KPAO. It transmits on these frequencies

We will also hear traffic from San Francisco (SFO), San Jose (SJC), as well as NORCAL Approach, which coordinates the airspace. The frequencies for SFO are

and San Jose are

and Norcal Approach are

Choose a frequency where you might expect to get a signal. The ATIS frequencies are good initial candidates, because these continuously transmit information about the airport, and how to contact them. The other frequencies, such at the air traffic control frequencies, are more interesting, but are not always in use. Often a transmission lasts just a few seconds, and can be hard to capture.

One busy channel that has a strong signal around here is 310.8 MHz, SFO departures and arrivals from the south. Another active frequency is band around 135.0 MHz, which has two of the approach frequencies from the south. You'll hear all the planes overhead on these.

If you are not in the bay area, you can look your local airport up in

and see what frequencies they use.

Use gqrx or SDR# to see if you can find any activity. If we were to extract just the audio signal from one of these channels, you would see something like this:

When the operator keys up the radio (pushes the Push To Transmit, or PTT button) the radio starts transmitting its carrier frequency. This looks like a constant, because we are tuned to that frequency. When they start to talk, you see the audio waveform added to the carrier.

This is a signal from 310.8 MHz.

Two audio clips are here:

Clip one

Clip two

This is a signal from 135.65

This was collected in Packard EE, where there is a tremendous amount of background noise (the stripes in the waterfall plot). I'd complain, but it could well be my lab!

The wikipedia page on the airband channels is interesting. You can find it here:

Particularly look at the last section about “Unauthorized Use”, and the references cited. It is an interesting story!

To get clear signals, it is helpful to get the antenna length right. For last week it didn't matter too much. FM signals are essentially perfect provided they are above the threshhold where you can determine the frequency of the signal. This happens pretty abruptly, and is known as “full quieting”. This is why FM is so popular. With enough power, it is perfect.

For AM, that is not true. As you get more signal, the sound gets better. Last week we talked about calculating the right length for an antenna. For a half wave dipole (both antenna elements pointed in opposite directions) this should be half a wavelength. For the quarter-wave dipoles you have this year, it should be a quarter of the wavelength.

For AM, you can also tune the antenna length by hand. Set your sdr to the frequency you want, and then adjust the length to maximize the noise. It turns out that will also maximize your signal. Make sure you aren't touching the antenna when you compare levels. You are a lossy dialectric, and that detunes the antenna.

For Part 1 on the assignment, find an airband signal, make a screen shot and audio capture Use the “rec” buttong on gqrx, it leaves it in your top level directory. There is one in SDR# also, which leaves the audio in the same directory as SDR#. Make two slides with

  • Your screen shot, and a picture of your antenna

  • Who you are listening to

Upload your slides and audio file to

Airband Signals

Set the sharing for the slides and the audio clip to “Stanford”, so that we can play them in class.

Look for the Morse Code beacons, if you can find them. It is amazing these are still out there!

Next week we are going to start looking

chat gpt 七个盈利模式 chatgpt带来的商业机会



Chat 强调了其为了对话而优化,具有记忆能力,可以完成连续性对话。



据外媒TheInformation 报道显示,微软可能会在 2023 年 3 月之前在 Bing (必应)中应用 ChatGPT,用人工智能 来回答一些搜索查询。若 Bing 引入 ChapGPT,有望以完整句子的形式呈现搜索 结果,这一举措或将改变搜索引擎的运行模式,革新性地提升搜索引擎效率。


ChatGPT 基础设施核心环节梳理



1. 云基础设施



2.? AI芯片




3.? 数据





4.? 对话交互类AI算法




5.? AI 视觉





ChatGPT 玩法大全火了,一键复制就能 get 同款效果:脱口秀张口就来,还能扮演哈利波特


正值风头的“网红”ChatGPT 在过去一周算是被网友们玩坏了!


比如说就有网友被误开了一份停车罚款,又不会写解释信,于是直接“请来”ChatGPT 帮忙。




不过这还都只是 ChatGPT 的冰山一角,在“水面之下”它还有哪些“不为人知”的玩法?

这不,有网友直接整了个大汇总,一一列出 ChatGPT 的各种用处,还贴心地给出了完整的大段提示词,一键复制就能轻松拥有同款效果。

目前在 GitHub 已经标星 600 多次。


首先先来讲讲 ChatGPT 的实用性功能

当然,简单的语言翻译对 ChatGPT 不成问题,不过在翻译润色这块儿,ChatGPT 也是有点东西在身上的。




还有,ChatGPT 还能创建 Excel 表格,直接输入所需的表格尺寸,就能分分钟生成。


ChatGPT 甚至能被当作 javascript 控制台或者 linux 终端。


除了这些之外,ChatGPT 还有很多待被发掘的功能,这里也就不一一赘述了。

当然,ChatGPT 不只是无情的“生产力工具”,它也是有点文艺细胞在身上的。


或者直接让 ChatGPT 谱段曲子。


写小说,讲故事等这类 GPT-3 就已经具备的基础功能,ChatGPT 就不用说了,大段大段的文字也是分分钟拿下!

或者无聊时,可以和 ChatGPT 玩玩角色扮演,比如让 ChatGPT 扮演哈利波特。

又或者让它充当免费的旅游指南,想去哪里玩直接问 ChatGPT,有什么要求也可以尽管提。


当然,ChatGPT 也还没有进化到真正的人类水平,闹笑话是难免的。



又或者说让 ChatGPT 讲一段关于“躺平”的脱口秀。


ChatGPT 用法大全还在持续更新中,感兴趣的可以先码住了~




  • https://notesbylex.com/disputing-a-parking-fine-with-chatgpt.html

本文来自微信公众号:量子位 (ID:QbitAI),作者:Pine